Malware Analysis

Hancitor MalSpam – Stage 2

If you haven’t seen my last post about Hancitor, check it out here as I explain how this binary gets onto your machine through a malicious word document. As always, you can download this sample – both the document and embedded binary – on VirusBay. Let’s begin the analysis! MD5 of Sample: 992f079a832820c61388f753dab1114d I have only had a brief […]

Malware Analysis

Potentially Unwanted Program? More like Definitely Unwanted Program

You may have heard of the friendly (Python) Adware pBot, and how it is becoming malicious by installing Browser Extensions without user consent and injecting unwanted advertisements into web pages and worse. I was intrigued with the thought that people actually wrote Adware in Python and distributed it, so I checked the Browse section of VirusBay and luckily enough, […]