So recently I’ve been reverse engineering the newest version of IcedID (the version hiding encrypted payloads and other data inside PNGs), and I came across a post by Malware-Traffic-Analysis about IcedID being downloaded by malspam typically responsible for downloading ISFB. This particular infection chain was interesting, as the Word Document drops a script file to […]
This post is a continuation from my last one, where we reverse engineered the second stage of the shellcode, and replicated the API hashing routine. If you haven’t checked out that post, you can check it out here, and the one before that here! In this post we’re going to be writing an emulator for […]
Welcome back! If you haven’t checked out my last post on reverse engineering shellcode techniques, you can check it out here! This time we’re taking a look at stage 2 of the shellcode, which we previously decrypted using IDAPython in the last post. We’re going to be covering quite a lot this week, so if […]
It’s been a while since I posted a blog aimed at beginners in terms of reversing techniques for analyzing malware, rather than a “how-does-it-work” type post, so for this blog post I decided to focus on concepts tied very closely to malicious software, such as shellcode, (recognizing and implementing) encryption algorithms, and so on. I […]
Recently I came across a newly released CTF based around memory forensics, called MemLabs, and as memory forensics is quite an important subtopic in malware analysis, I decided to brush off my Volatility Framework and give it a go!So this is challenge 1 of 6, and I’ll be using Volatility, GHex, and GIMP to complete […]
Happy New Year! It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here, as I’ve been quite occupied with a few other things – such as the Zero2Hero course that Vitali and I developed alongside SentinelOne, as well as migrating this site from one hosting provider to another, which caused a few issues but should all […]